Today we shipped out the first kegs of our new 6.5% IPA – In Waves – a single hop range (this one Kohatu). We’ve also stock of Sonne a 4.8% Cascade hopped American Wheat which we are very pleased with! Trade peeps, get in touch via, or if you use Eebria via

Plenty more coming up soon! In tank now there’s something more West Coast, style which we’ll tell you more about when it’s ready for kegging early next week, and another brew planned for Thursday (looking like 6% joose, but that could change ?)

Ten days ago we brewed a 9.3ish% Baltic Porter on the 1 bbl pilot kit, the first of a small batch bottled range we have planned. Tomorrow we brew the second of these, an 11% Imperial version of something we’ve brewed before ?.

The continued Covid bollocks means two things. Firstly, we’ve another canning slot provisionally booked in towards the end of November (beers to be announced in due course) so we can keep supplying all you wonderful people at home who have supported us since we started brewing early this year. We are still doing home deliveries (free local) of what we have left of our own, and various guest beers. Secondly, we aren’t rushing to open our tap room for the moment, although that’s not to say we aren’t going to be doing some work on it over coming weeks!

We’ll keep you posted on everything as we move forward.

Stay safe, be sensible, lock your doors and windows by 10pm and, remember…..

Be careful out there!


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